Detailed Course Outline
Overview of Red Hat JBoss BRMS
Learn about the architecture and business need for Red Hat JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS).
Author basic rules
Author basic business rules using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS).
Integrating Business Rules with Java Applications
Learn how integrate rules processing into an application using an API.
Decision tables
Learn the purpose and layout of a spreadsheet decision table, and identify how JBoss BRMS loads the decision table at runtime.
Domain-specific languages
Learn about the purpose of domain-specific languages (DSLs), how to declare them, and how to use them in a rule.
Test rules
Learn about JUnit test and learn how to test a BRMS application.
Author complex rules
Learn how to use complex features of the BRMS rules engine.
Control rule execution
Learn how to implement conflict resolution strategies in rule execution.
Debug Drools
Learn how to debug Drools applications in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.
Complex event processing
Use complex event processing with rules.